OUEST architecture
Avenue Wielemans Ceuppens, 45 – 7
1190 Brussels (Belgium)
+32 2 850 73 82
For job applications, please send your portfolio and cv to jobs@ouest.be

OUEST is an architectural practice based in Brussels, fascinated by the city and what’s already there. They work with the context and the existing in an enthusiastic, respectful and uninhibited way, for projects that seek to strengthen the urban dynamic and modestly try to answer the big question: how to live together?

Stephane Damsin, architect
Brussels 1981. Graduated in 2005 from Victor Horta Architecture Institute, Brussels (now ULB Faculty of Architecture). Worked with several offices in Antwerp, Brussels, Marseille and Buenos Aires between 2005 and 2009 before starting his own office. In charge of architecture and city programs at the Brussels art center Recyclart during 10 years (2011-2021) where he organized numerous lecture cycles (including ‘IBAI Greetings from…’), exhibitions (including ‘Passages’), public debates, screenings and happening
He is active member of collective Supersudaca since 2007. Invited as guest speak or curator in several institutions around the world during the last years (including IUAV Venice, CCA Montreal, Strelka Moscow, IAAC Barcelona, Culturgest Porto,…) He is teaching architecture at UDLA Universidad de Las Américas, Santiago, Chile

Jan Haerens, engineer-architect
Leuven 1985. Studied architecture and engineering at Ghent University and Technische Universität Berlin. After graduating in 2008, he worked for 2 years at Stéphane Beel Architecten in Ghent, mainly on large scale housing projects. He lived for one year in Mexico City, and worked in offices Taller de Architectura Mauricio Rocha, and Productora, as well as for the architectural exhibition gallery Liga DF. He was a project architect at 51N4E architects in Brussels from 2011 untill 2018, mainly focussing on projects in the field of Affordable Living Environments. In 2013, he joined the OUEST team for the competition of the Théâtre du Rideau in Brussels (built).

Office drawing by Maria Maestra Rodriguez

Stéphane Damsin, architect
Jan Haerens, engineer-architect
Pauline Tondreau, architect
Antoine Trémège, architect
Irini Syka, architect
Héctor Suárez, architect
Samuel Hermans, architect
Daniele Martini, architect
Mads Leer, intern architect
Júlia Salvador, intern architect
Paul Droupy, intern architect

Maria Efthymia Gkouma, Sarah Mutuena, Ana García Constantinescu, Lukas Claessens, Bastien Frémond, Lalie Porteret, Vanessa Bailey, Jakob Schaefermeyer, Martina Genovesi, Floortje Van Sandick, Maria Rodriguez, Lucas Verhaeghe, Aurore Hazée, Konrad Kramer, Pauline Dubois, Maud Raymaekers, Beatriz Loreto Agostinho, Isabella Guzzi, Raphaëlle Auguy, Joffrey About, Béatrice Godon , Sophie Vardar, Salomé De Vasconcelos, Nessim Kaufmann, Julia Gunther, Béate Zavadska, Renata Surcan, Maxime le Droupéet, Ismail Afilal, Justine Estoppey, Giulia Flamigni, Maud Abbé-Decarroux, Giulia Ciuffoletti, Matthias Mazelier, Jochen Schamelhout, Carlo Frassinelli, Pascal Labelle, Arianna Monetini, Marie Ghiringhelli, Jerome Nicod, Cyndelle Renneson, Irene Terenzi, Javier Muñoz, Alexis Tronchet, Benjamin Malinge, Enrico Onofri
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